I now posses a Wii. I've actually had it for several days now. I started a post the day I bought it to mention something, but blogger was kind enough to eat that post and then deny that it ever existed, so I've been busy playing. Hell, I didn't turn on my computer at home for more than about five minutes this weekend, so that's a sign of how sucked in I've been. Wiis are just about exactly as fun as everyone says they are. Let's start with the games that came prepackaged with Wii: Wii Sports, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, and The Legend of Zelda: the Twilight Princess.
Wii Sports includes bowling, boxing, baseball, golf, and tennis. Of these, bowling is the clear champion. Yes, just like you've heard, you use the Wiimote as you would a bowling ball, just minus the letting the fucker go at the end of your swing part. How you twist your hand affects the spin on the ball. Much like in real life, I cannot through a damn ball in a straight line to save my life. Regardless, it's fun as hell. My sister's fiance came by and we played for some time before we were joined by a pair of ladies who also played. Everyone seems to agree: bowling rules. This is not to say that the other games aren't entertaining as well, except maybe tennis which is so far too hard to want to play with, but I haven't given it a good go yet, so I'll have to get back to you on that one, but all the other games are just amusing and could easily take hours of my time away.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is a very, VERY Japanese game. Über cute, insanely catchy fast Japanapop music, lots of lights, noises, colors, and very fast gameplay. You barely get a seconds notice before your monkey in a hamster ball is busy racing his little heart out trying to get bananas. There's a vauge attempt at a plot, but who cares? This little monkey in a ball concept is very amusing all by itself. Not to mention the game is devilishly harder than it looks. While it has not been a point of obsession, given my other game interests, I'm sure I'll get sucked into it eventually. If nothing else it's fun to give to newbies and watch them start cursing like sailors.
The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. This game is just like every Zelda game before it in it's basic design. Boomerangs, bows, and bombs have returned, and I'm not far enough into the game to really know if all the old favorites are back, but that's not what's good about this game. In this game you are Link who is at least, t'were I to guess, 16, so not some little tiny kid who is saving the world, but someone older and far more likely to actually survive in this deadly world. The tone of the game, while maintaining something of a child's view, is much more serious and has a palpable air of a darker circumstances going on. Though the game plays like other Zelda games, this grown up Link lends an air of seriousness long needed in these games.
And that has kept me very busy, especially when you add in FFXII, which I have also spent much time playing. The advantage here is that since I am now working on a HUGE project that takes 5+ minutes to save, rebuild, compile, and whathave you, this leave just enough time to get writing like here done. And then some. More reports on games later. I just need to convince people to come bowling. And get another Wiimote so that we don't have to swap the controller around so much.