the end of an epoc
The D&D campaign I've been playing in for several months now is finally coming to a close. Here's a short recap: The evil necromancer Larlac's soul was stolen hundreds of years ago his last action was to raise my party with the instructions to retrieve his soul and restore him to his former glory. Hilary ensues.
I played a Neutral Evil (that is sociopathic) Dread Necromancer. My real goal in this campaign was to get every person in the game to comment that I was just absolutely the most evil person in the party. I definitely succeeded. The biggest evil compliment came in the game this past Sunday when I was compared favorably to a god of death because of the evil and horrors I had wrought. I've killed hundreds of innocent people for personal evil gains, suggested using the torture of the living to get holy knights to abandon their lovely safe position and try to stop me, made dark pacts with demonic forces for fun and profit, used my own party members to my own advantage repeatedly, tricked people into getting themselves killed using only my skills of manipulation, desecrated holy lands and churches, defiled the corpses of holy monks, and assisted in the deaths of no less than fifty angelic creatures. I've been busy.
Now that this campaign is nearly over, we're making plans for a new campaign with all new characters in an entirely different light. I'm going from Neutral Evil, arguably the most evil alignment in the game, to Chaotic Good, something much more like what I am like in real life. I am changing from a hideous creature birthed by rage and spite to an easy-going, good humored (and living) guy who is only slightly morally ambivalent. I look forward to confusing the crap out of my fellow players with my fresh and friendly new attitude.
See what you people are missing by not playing RPGs?
I realize this post may be a repeat for some of you, but I liked it so much, I thought it needed a bigger audience. Besides, I don't post here enough.