must... resist... urge... to strangle... asshole...
I try not to talk about my job overmuch here, as this is a glaringly public place that I don't find to be an appropriate place to complain, but this particular matter has me growling, so I gotta vent somewhere. I have to deal with this utter asshole here at work. If any of you have seen Red Dwarf, he very much reminds me of Arnold J. Rimmer BSC, because he's a snively, simpering, obsequious, little weasel of a man, with all the charactaristics of a New York city sewer rat without any of the good qualities. His job is to administer a few servers with a few projects running on them. This is a job that a monkey could do. If someone says "deploy this" you click a few times and you're done; if someone asks that something be restarted it's only two clicks if you have the web app open. I can't emphasize how easy this job is enough.
No, what's my personal problem with this man? He, a glorified monkey, treats me as if I am some kind of personal bother to him when I ask him to do his job. Any time I request something from him directly, he gives me the run around or flat out tells me no. Never mind that I am well within my rights to ask these things of him and that I am more than capable of keeping my job and doing his at the same time; he really seems to think of me as little more than a buzzing bug on his shoulder that wants nothing more to do with than to brush me away. That pisses me off.
What pisses me off more, however, is that the very instant someone slightly higher on the totem pole is involved, the little bastard suddenly snaps into action and treats me and my request as if it were handed down by the gods. I could email the same request ten times in a week and never see action on it, but CC my boss? Wow, my head almost spins with how quickly the jackass responds. I HATE that. Just thinking about it has me grinding my teeth. That kind of lying, manipulative bullshit really make me want to punch the little shit right in his stupid face. Yes, his face is stupid, shut up.
On the plus side, it looks like my boss has had enough of the little shit and is currently explaining to the asshole's boss the situation. Knowing my company, this could mean nothing, but knowing my boss, it could mean something might actually come of this. So long as when I tell this little shit to do something he fucking does it, I don't care what happens. But if I have to sit there telling him the same thing over and over while he flatly ignores or refuses my requests, I may just have to kill him. Course, if I did kill him, I don't think anyone would mind really. He's not what you'd call popular round these parts. Oh what a tempting thought...
Urge to kill... fading...
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