Fuck testing
I'm mildly irked this week due to my Kung Fu test. More accurately the Kung Fu test that I just couldn't bring myself to go endure. I hate tests. Part of why I hated all my school career is tests. Tests don't actually accomplish anything. All they do is set up a high stress scenario to see how people perform what they may or may not have learned in a class. Thus far as a working professional I have yet to see a single test. Why? Because no one gives a shit. Why would you waste time testing someone when they're busy working? And if they're not doing their job, you fire them. Where is a test useful in there? Tests are a waste of time and energy that could be spent on more learning or working depending on where you are in life.
I especially hate martial arts tests. Why? Because I've had almost 20 tests in my martial arts career and I've passed every single one. Some I performed better than others, but in the past say 8 years, I've passed every single test with flying colors. And I hated every one. They're boring, long, and frankly insulting. Every day I went to class I worked hard and proved I knew what I was doing and was capable of learning just fine. As far as I'm concerned if the instructors don't know already who's going to pass their tests, then they're failing as instructors. Maybe my ego is out of control here, but ever since I got to 2nd Dan (that's second degree black belt), I've had a real problem with taking the piddling little tests for low level sashes. Sorry, different art or not, getting to 2nd Dan is beyond proof that I am capable of any stupid little test in any other school.
Now, you could easily and correctly point out that I'm being stubborn and more than slightly pig-headed here by not just sucking it up and going and taking the stupid test and just getting it over with. But I think part of this is that I've finally and totally lost patience with being treated like a lesser martial artist by the other students at this school because of taking Karate and not wanting to take Vijitsu. That just grinds on my nerves. What do these kids know about my style? Do they know what Shuri-Tei means? I doubt they even know there's a significant difference between Japanese Karate and Okinawin Karate.
All this all means is that I'm going to have a fun little discusion with my instructors when I next appear in class. They're going to question why I didn't test and I'm gonna explain bluntly that I have no interest in testing whatsoever for the afforementioned reasons. On the one hand, my not testing is annoying to them, but I really think that they get why I don't care. I've been in the martial arts since I was 11; I work really hard, I demonstrate my skill every day, and they see both my phsyical dedication as well as my mental dedication. Both of them would probably feel the same frustrations if they were starting over as a white sash at a new school.
I don't know if any of this will actually get me out of testing, but it's worth a shot. Either way, I didn't have to test this week, and that's fine by me. We'll see what happens next week.
I hated testing in Taekwondo as well because it was a pain in my ass for different reasons than yours.
If all else fails, at least you can continue to come out with France and I more often!
Sifu said...
Hello Sir,
This is one of your Sifus. Now let me start with that I am totally shocked. You are wrong about a few things in your blog.
1. Yes both Sifus have started over in martials arts a few times. Veejitsu.... huh we just tested out of white belt, and so have some of the other students.
2. we know u dont want to do Veejitsu and that fine. we expect you and a few others to take off in the Kung fu program. I have been impressed with you progress here lately because you have physically finally given in. There are big and slight differences when it come to Karate and Kung fu. Both sifus started with Karate when we were younger. Get that straight.
3. Testing is needed even for you because testing is both physical and mental. You have posted how you have gotten through classes that burned ur legs and arms and formed your abs. well the physical test is to see how well you have progressed and operate and execute your techique afterwards. ITS ALSO A MENTAL TEST. You have already failed that part. mentally tou took yourself out of it because of excuses. EXCUSES ARE THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF NOTH WHICH LEAVES YOU WITH INADEQUECIES. Remember that?
Man I have a lot of respect for you as my student and a fellow martial artist. You stuck it through when others couldnt handle it for what ever reason. I see you teaching and fighting and helping other srudents. I must have been totally wrong about you. These comments are very painful to know. Go to the schools website click on contact us and email us. If kung fu isnt for you then I dont wanna feel like I am pushing someone that doesnt wanna be pushed. I could wait for everyone to see your sword form because it was so sharp. I jumped on the otherstudents who are higher ranked because they didnt work on it as much as you did.
I know somewhat where you coming from about the testing issues I too stopped testing at one time . I was actually a Green sash at the time, and yes i was am a black belt in ShotoKan Karate and have been for some time.
Lets talk.
1:17 PM
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