Holy Christ do my legs hurt.
They hurt so bad I forgot my arms hurt. If I poke my arms, I remember reeeeal quick that they hurt too. But my legs are definitely the winners for the pain tonight. Why? Kung Fu. Yes, one of my favorite activities has left me broken and in pain. Well, not broken, but dammit, I hurt!
Sometimes, I have to wonder, why do I do this to myself? Seriously, what exactly do I find fun about getting injured to some degree? Well...
- Exercise. I don't even like to think about how many calories I lose when I have even a calm night at Kung Fu.
- Entertainment. Aside from me just plain enjoying these crazy exercises, both of my instructors can be very amusing, such as referring to one of my fellow students as Aluicius. Plus they occasionally hit people who aren't me which can be very funny.
- I am a shallow bastard. That's right, I got abs. Even when doing 200+ situps a day back in my Karate days, I never had abs. Now I do. Sweet.
- Let's face it. I'm an idiot. :) Can't forget that.
So yeah. Kung Fu rules. My pain? Not so much. Especially because I can't do anything to even slightly disrupt the pain. Why not? Any form of pain killer interferes with muscle growth/repair. Same for alcohol. There goes my fun. So I get to suffer. And you get to laugh you fuckers. Certain coworkers of mine will probably laugh very hard at me when I try to ascend stairs and type tomorrow. Certain coworkers will get punched for their effort. Whenever it is I've healed enough to actually catch the fucker anyway.
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