Sails & Sorcery

Kung Fu-ool's Comments

The best place to think out loud! A public forum where your minor errors can be magnified to incredible failures when your readers wildly misinterpret what you write.

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Location: Wilmington, Delaware, United States

A friend of mine convinced me to start this blog. Oh what an adventure it's been ever since.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Workplace sensitivity training

Yeah, that's right, I got to spend two hours yesterday learning some things about being more sensitive to others in the workplace and how I am a lout. Some group of professional actors does skits to get their points across with an obvious realization that what they do is annoying, so if they're gonna do it, they damn well better make it funny. Though it was surprisingly amusing, here are some of my notes from yesterday:

  • Actors in "real life" situations = Choose your own adventure: office harassment.
  • Manager George meets secretary Marie. Should George

    • A. Smile and nod.
    • B. Shake hands.
    • C. Compliment Marie's ass.
    • D. Suggest that a trip to the closet might result in a promotion.

  • Stereotype vs. Reality: Rumble in the Manger's head.
  • If Marie wants to be listened to in a male centric world, she should bring a megaphone.
  • To be a man one must have a penis.
  • In answer to the question of what to do when the VP of Sales "suggests" that you consider the nephew of the VP of Marketing over a qualified candidate, one should quietly murder the VP of Sales to avoid the problem. This has the added bonus of a potential promotion.
  • People who curse a lot at work are considered to be louts. I'm fucking screwed.

Though I hate to admit it, I did almost enjoy the training. It didn't hurt that both of the actresses were kinda hot. And it did kill two hours I'd have had to have killed on my own anyway, so there were plusses. Gotta find that silver lining!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this: "Though I hate to admit it, I did almost enjoy the training. It didn't hurt that both of the actresses were kinda hot." the very thing you were supposed to be learning to avoid?

Like I have room to talk with my popcorn and cucumber jokes and crotch sniffing dogs at work.

8:34 PM  

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