Sails & Sorcery

Kung Fu-ool's Comments

The best place to think out loud! A public forum where your minor errors can be magnified to incredible failures when your readers wildly misinterpret what you write.

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Location: Wilmington, Delaware, United States

A friend of mine convinced me to start this blog. Oh what an adventure it's been ever since.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Giving in to temptation...

I have given in to temptation. Yes, I find it slightly troublesome that I'm getting something with the word "Gateway" on it, but considering that this laptop is actually going to be able to out perform my desktop and has everything I have been looking for in a laptop, I am hopeful that this little bugger will do everything I need it to do. Because I'll actually have a laptop that I don't have to coax into working correctly, unlike my current one, I will probably start writing again, and that's a very good thing. If all goes well setting up my new writing platform, it will be time to bite the bullet and start seeing if I can't track down those people I really need to interview before really getting into my next Jay and K book.

Considering that I may be looking for a new job again come winter, I have contemplated that perhaps buying the laptop was not the wisest of plans. I could rationalize my way out of this, but frankly sometimes you just gotta go buy yourself something you really want because, dammit, you want a toy. What's the point of having money if you never get to use it on anything you really actually want?

Part of why I dropped a small ton of coin on my sister and her husband's wedding gift (bad ass TV) is that I remember what it's like to start out like that and getting tired of feeling poor all the time. Living carefully, cautiously spending every dollar, meticulously following your budget; all of this gets old. Doing all this and seeing your friends who have stuff you want can evoke more jealousy than one might want to admit. So in getting them a really cool TV, I am attempting to offset that feeling that I was so familiar with for them so that they can really just try to enjoy the whole married thing for a while till they're comfortable enough financially to buy nice things for themselves. It may not work, but a big brother's gotta dote on someone.

Now, I wasn't exactly jealous of anyone when I bought me my laptop. More I was annoyed that my current POS laptop was broken and that it frustrated me so much that my writing took a back burner. But I have also not spent money on much of anything but my home for a long time, so it was bloody well time to get me something more impressive than a new video game. This new toy should keep me amused and happy for a long time, and should hopefully get me back on writing again. That will be a very good thing.


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