ugh... groan...
World War Z is an amazing book. A chilling, horrifying, and quite frankly depressing book, but amazing nonetheless. For those of you who don't know, World War Z is the follow up to the Zombie Survival Guide as written by Max Brooks. Yes, the son of Mel Brooks. Funny man has progeny that manages a very creepy book. C'est la vie. Anyway, WWZ is is a series of survivor stories from the great war with the zombies. The beginning of the book is the story of how the world royally fucks itself and the rest goes from there. I'm going to be trading the Frenchman this book for another zombie book, though the book he's giving me is even darker and scarier, a much more personal story of a father and son surviving after a zombie apocolypse (which I very likely mispelled). We're not sure I'll like it, but I'm damn well giving it a try. Zombies = very yes.
Sadly those groans were not from the zombies but from me. Kung fu just about killed me this day. I am very goddamn tired. I nearly passed out on my feet several times, almost couldn't stand up after a couple rolls, and sweat till I couldn't (that's bad). So two gatorade like drinks later, I'm feeling better, but this just reminds me why I don't like testing. This is the kind of total exhaustion I end up with, and I really don't like it. Getting this tired doesn't make me feel stronger, it makes me want to die. Maybe if I went to more classes a week I'd do better, but two days a week is it. Hopefully I'll get more energy back by test time in December, but I don't know how that will go. Ugh. Groan.
On the other hand, me nearly dying of exhaustion is probably better than 95% of people out there, so maybe I'm looking at this wrong. Comparing myself to the people who go to Kung Fu like five days a week isn't entirely fair. I'm tough, fast, and have more go juice than your average joe... I'm just not quite as full of energy as Aluicius. Oh well. That's ok. I'll never have his amazing hair either.
Huh... I guess that CBT stuff really works!
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