Well praises be that we have elected officials who take immigration reform seriously.
A fence. That's their big reform: a seven hundred something mile fucking fence. Congress, or the Senate, or some other group of idiots is voting on this today, and we're getting a fence out of it if anything at all. Know what? If I wanted a fence, I'd go to Home Despot mydamnself. What the fuck is our government doing? Other than jacking itself off I mean.
This is the most useless and in many ways worst possible conclusion that could happen on this issue. It's an insult to basically everyone who lives here. It's an insult to the American citizens both born and bred as well as imports; it insults the B&Bs by ignoring all the cries for serious immigration reform and treats us in a most condescending way by doing "something" without actually managing to do anything but waste money; it insults our imported citizens further by taking a serious issue that may directly affect their families abilities to join our citizens in this country legally and turning it into a trip to a hardware store. That months of arguing and bickering between the two groups of assholes who run this government led to nothing more than a fence insults every American citizen, alive and dead, and plenty of other people to boot.
In a country with reportedly more than ten million illegal immigrants many of whom are, gasp, NOT MEXICAN, to keep our shitty immigration laws the way they are is, quite frankly, retarded. That hard working, dedicated people from nations all over the world have to go through such ridiculous hoops to gain citizenship in this country is just unbelievable, though only just shy of how retardedly easy it is for assholes who want nothing more than to take advantage of our country to get away with it by stealing our tax-paid services. You'd think that the goverment might respond by taking the issue seriously, but then you'd be an idiot, because they're too busy building a fence to even acknowledge that people who aren't Mexican are part of the problem.
So our goverment has kept the status quo. Nothing has changed, everything is the same, but our hard earned money is going to a gargantuan waste of time that is a multi-million dollar fence. Try as I might, my one vote just isn't enough to get those wacky Libertarians into office where they can do something like, I don't know, propose legislation that isn't a complete waste of time and energy! ...and get shot down since no one will ever listen to a Libertarian anyway, much less elect one.
So my official stance on immigration? Whatever it is, I assure you, it does not include a fence.
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