Ahh politics...
Newt Gingrich seems to think that because terrorists are using free speech against us, we should abolish free speech. Oh just the terrorist's free speech, not yours or mine. Clearly Newt is only after the bad guys. Oh, and he also suggested a new Geneva Convention: "We should propose a Geneva convention for fighting terrorism, which makes very clear that those who would fight outside the rules of law, those who would use weapons of mass destruction, and those who would target civilians are in fact subject to a totally different set of rules, that allow us, to protect civilization by defeating barbarism."
What a fucking asshole. I could spew out a hate filled diatribe in response to that utter affront to the very basis of our Constitution, but Keith Olberman puts it far better than I could: "Well, Mr. Gingrich, what is more 'massively destructive' than trying to get us to give you our freedom? And what is someone seeking to hamstring the First Amendment doing, if not 'fighting outside the rules of law'? And what is the suppression of knowledge and freedom, if not 'barbarism'?"
At what point did some of the leading minds in the Republican party get the idea that Fascism is so much better for our country than Democracy? This is beyond scary. Radicals on either side of our shitty two party system are bad enough, but now they feel safe enough to say utterly evil things like this without any fear of patriots standing up and saying "Fuck that and fuck you you evil asshole"? Ben Franklin likely would have said, "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power." He's a bit more eloquent than I, and still dead on the money a couple hundred years later.
The divisiveness of our political system has got to stop. It is because of this divide, because the only options we have are two parties that are merely opposing extremes, that good sense and a moderate view of the world is now a practical impossibility in this country. By fear and lies our political leaders assure us that by voting for a third party we are wasting our vote. The time for believing that nonsense is over. You, and I mean you, have to start voting not with a party but with your good sense. If you have a third choice and you know both your usual options are the same old assholes, take the third choice. You are not wasting your vote; continuing to put the same assholes with different hats on back into office is wasting your vote. Unless we can increase the moderate base of this country we are doomed to the extremism that grips us now.
I should stop reading the news... It angries up the blood.
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