40 WPM is an odd accomplishment to return to a second time
Dvorak keyboarding is still a difficult endeavor, but I have reached my current speed of about 40 WPM once again. This is less than halfway to my goal of at least returning to my old typing speeds, but it's definitely progress, so I am not giving up yet. I've found a great typing speed drilling site and making sure I practice there a couple times a day has been a great boon to my speed. I am still not sure if I am going to make this a permanent change to my typing, but if nothing else I have proved myself even more a geek than ever before, so that's a plus in my book.
I wasn't always a particularly fast typer. In fact, I really didn't start to learn to type quickly until the summer after my freshman year of college. During my freshman year AIM was just starting to become really popular and I was chatting every night. My frustration with typing slow was mitigated by learning by trial and error to type faster. But my sad tale of typing does not end there!
That summer, I worked at a local ISP in their tech support department, quickly and surely becoming bitter and irritable. The plus of that horrible job was that I had a ton of free time. Honestly I squandered an embarrassingly large amount of time scouring the Internet for news of Diablo II, but some of that time I spent finding all the free typing tutors available on the Internet at the time. I then used those typing tutors for upwards of four hours a day. When I got back to the dorms and a 24/7 Internet connection, I was typing at 80 WPM. Sadly I don't have the slack ass work schedule now I once had, so I can't drill that much. Do not fret! As things seem to be going well, I will either have an enviably fast typing speed again soon with Dvorak or I'll give up in disgust and get back to qwerty speeds a bigger geek for having tried. I'm fine with either option, and I suppose that tells you what a sad man I have become. More geek than man really.
Speaking of geek, I realize that I am also one of the geekiest martial arts people I know, and that is just limiting myself to said arts. I know more odd bs about the marltial arts than just about anyone, including most of my instructors, because they're all bright enough to practice rather than waste valuable workout time reading the dozens of different creation stories for the multitudes of martial arts out there. I wonder if there is anything I do that hasn't been influenced by my natural geekness?
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