Book watch:
I have gotten the final edit back from fbo and I'm already nearly finished with all the edits. I have about three big questions for fbo, and after that I have but to get a print out made and that print out will be off to the hands of the publisher who needs a novel! And then I'm sure more edits and stuff, but that's goddamn progress right there. Most of the latest changes were little ones, forgotten d's, incorrect case, that sort of thing. Since I had to move chapters around there were a few details I needed to alter so that I could have my continuity be right, but those were the biggest changes. There's one change I can't bring myself to make. It breaks actual time line continuity with the real world, but I just don't care. I like the line I get to keep in the book, so in my world George R. R. Martin writes a lot faster than he does in reality. So there.
More info as I have it, but that's the biggest book news I've had in a while. I'm going to be dropping by the bookstore later today most likely, and possibly asking fbo those questions if he has the time. If not, I'm just going to say hi, eat their food, and laugh at the people battling Cthuluu. After the insanity that is this weekend, I will be making sure this book thing gets done and printed asap. Ball's in my court; time to take it and run with it.
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